About Spencer Greenberg

Founder and CEO of Spark Wave, a psychological research organization and startup foundry

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How to spot real expertise

2024-04-23 21:33:35

Thanks go to Travis (from the Clearer Thinking team) for coauthoring this with me. This is a cross-post from Clearer Thinking. How can you tell who is a valid expert, and who is full of B.S.? On almost any topic of importance you can find a mix of valid experts (who are giving you reliable […]

Three motivations for believing 

2024-04-20 22:04:00

There are three different motivations for belief, and it’s important to distinguish between them.  1) Belief because you think something’s true. For instance, you may think that the evidence supports the idea that you will eventually find love, or you may feel convinced by logical arguments you’ve heard in favor of god’s existence. 2) Belief […]

The benefits and soul-crushing downsides of A.I. progress

2024-04-12 00:07:00

There are many benefits to A.I., such as being able to generate beautiful art, inspiring music, captivating writing, and mesmerizing videos. It democratizes creation (people can now create what’s in their minds), lowers costs (replacing human labor with algorithms), and enables hyper-personalization (works can be made just for you). The benefits are big and important. […]

In memory of Daniel Kahneman, who accelerated our understanding of the mind

2024-03-28 11:18:00

I’m not a person who has idols, but Daniel Kahneman came about as close as it gets for me. It is not an exaggeration to say that he revolutionized our understanding of the mind. Among many other concepts, Kahneman and his collaborators came up with the ideas of: I feel grateful to have had the […]

Seven simple but effective methods for improving your connection with others

2024-03-16 11:06:00

Here are some of the most useful simple methods I’ve adopted for improving my connection with others (though I still have room for improvement): 1) When you like someone, greet them warmly, demonstrating with your face and body language that you like them. 2) Try your best to channel “interested attention” in conversations – where […]

Does money buy happiness, according to science?

2024-02-29 12:12:00

By Spencer Greenberg and Amber Dawn Ace  This piece first appeared on ClearerThinking.org on February 28, 2024, was edited on February 29, 2024, and appeared here with minor edits on March 27, 2024. Does money buy happiness? Intuitively, the answer is yes: common sense tells us that poverty and hardship make people unhappy. We can […]

I’m an extreme non-credentialist – what about you?

2024-02-28 23:34:00

I’m an extreme (>99th percentile) non-credentialist. Does that mean if I find out someone has a nutrition Ph.D., then I don’t think they know more about nutrition than most random people? Of course not. Credentials are evidence of what someone knows (e.g., having a nutrition Ph.D. is evidence that you have nutrition knowledge). But part […]

Do we all have strange beliefs?

2024-02-02 23:26:00

Many people think that if you have one really weird (presumed false) belief that society would label “crazy,” then that implies you’re an idiot, or bad, or crazy yourself. Think “QAnon,” “the moon landing was faked,” or “all GMO foods are dangerous.” But I think approximately everyone has at least one of those beliefs; it’s […]

When Is Gossip Good?

2024-01-28 23:22:00

Gossip has a very bad reputation. The word “gossip” itself (and its synonyms, like “idle talk,” tittle-tattle,” “hearsay,” “blather,” and “rumor-mongering”) have negative connotations. And this bad reputation is not totally unreasonable, as gossip is sometimes very harmful. But, on some occasions, it’s actually a very good and useful thing that people gossip. For instance, […]

How great is the U.S., really?

2024-01-05 22:17:00

This piece was coauthored with Travis Manuel. This is a cross-post from the Clearer Thinking blog. According to YouGov polling, 41% of people in the United States think that it is the greatest country in the world. Others see the U.S. as a place full of arrogance, violence, and inequality. So, what’s the truth?  The […]